Leaders at Play
Journey into the leadership you want to create. Tap into preferences and skills. We will create a series of aspirational experiences that suit where you want to be – and what it will take to get you there.
We have a playground to practice new ways of leading. We recommend a Five Days Expedition. We call it Accelerator. Leaders to learn how to integrate experience, experiments and thrilling excitement in field trips and excursions that literally change what they see as possible.
Uncover both sides of the same coin
Sustain the win-win longer
Never stop playing attention
Peak at your assumptions – they are the stories you tell
Imagine liking ambiguity and uncertainty of change!
Teams at Play
Goal: fun in a team experience as a department, division or organization
Team building experience
Goal: learn and rehearse tools for improved work group and team performance
Team building experience
Critical thinking engaged
Problem solving practiced
Innovative solutions
Communication enhanced
Diagnostics applied
goal: learning and applying sustainable team building essentials with expectations of team behavior changing
Facilitating Team Skill and Development Training
Team diagnostic survey
Team didactic analysis
Team learning lab method
Analyzing critical thinking skills
Coaching through problem solving results
Reviewing innovative solutions
Evaluating communication effectiveness
Assessing your team style is very important to understanding what you show up as more times than not on a team. Take this inventory and then GET STARTED growing your team power with us. DISCOVER YOUR PREFERRED STYLE.
Women at Play
A mastermind designated time of guided fun filled training adventure emphasizing leadership diversity and gender power all harnessed to build your skills for focusing and using reflective integration to succeed. Yes intuition is a real trait that helps leaders.
Our mastermind groups and retreats provide space for noticing and understanding what is happening in your career and therefore life with contemplation, preparation and life sustaining action. We provide the escape portal for your mind to venture out a bit into what you really want and maintain it.